Damas – Montréal, Québec
Montréal, Québec, Canada / Saturday, July 9th, 2016
Tasting Menu / The Traditional Syrian Gastronomy Experience
Fattouch Salad
Beet Mutabbal, Traditional Humus, Eggplant Mutabbal
Kibbé Nayyé / Beef tartar with bulgor and seven spices
Akhtabout / Warm octopus salad with chick peas and basil flowers
Samké Harra / Sea Bass stuffed with walnut, coriander, and spiced vegetables, tarator sauce
Sharhat / Veal filet mignon deglazed with lemon, garlic, and Aleppo pepper
Reesh / Rack of lamb grilled with seven spices
Halawet el-Jebn
Baklava Ice Cream